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Staying connected: A tech guide for grandparents

Published on July 17, 2024 at 18:12 / Updated on July 17, 2024 at 20:43

Today's technologies aren’t just for young people. They unlock many possibilities and opportunities for grandparents.

High-tech tools not only give you the chance to maintain a special relationship with your grandchildren but also to entertain yourself, consult your favourite recipes and even take a look at weekly flyers from your favourite stores!

Technology and the family routine

Video calls, whether using a cell phone, tablet or computer, are an ideal way to keep in touch with your grandchildren without interfering with the parents' family routine.

Video calls can help overcome certain constraints that prevent regular in-person visits with your grandchildren, such as the distance between your two homes, the children's young age, the parents' busy schedule, and so on. 

The frequency of video calls is much more important than the duration, which is often very short with toddlers. Of course, video calls allow grandparents to be present and watch their grandchildren grow up without necessarily having to impose themselves. 

Trending apps for keeping in touch

A number of apps offer effective means to communicate, enabling you to develop and strengthen the bond between you and your grandchildren. You may even be familiar with some of them!


Facebook allows you to share photos, videos and written statuses with your network (family, friends, acquaintances). Likewise, you can view and comment on posts posted by people your "Friends" with via your News Feed.


Messenger is a messaging app that works with the contacts you've established on Facebook. This means you can exchange text messages with your family as well as send each other downloadable files, such as photos, videos and other compatible documents, in private.


Instagram is partly similar to Facebook, but it's first and foremost about images and videos. You can subscribe to the accounts of family members or acquaintances but also to accounts that match your interests and vice versa for people who want to follow you. Instagram also features a private messaging system, allowing you to share Facebook-like "Stories." Stories are short videos that remain online for just 24 hours. 


Snapchat is a messaging app that allows you to share photos and videos, which are accessible for a limited time. Although your shares self-destruct after a while, your contacts are able to take screenshots. The app's speed and spontaneous messages are the positive aspects of sharing with your family on Snapchat.


YouTube is a video hosting platform. It works with personal accounts, more precisely called "YouTube channels." Many people have become famous for sharing videos on their channels and catering to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. You can create your own videos or comment on those of others. 


Pay close attention to the information transmitted on these social media networks, as it can sometimes turn out to be false or inaccurate.

Internet best practices

Some actions aren't entirely appropriate on the Internet, although we all make mistakes from time to time. So, what's "in" and what's "out" on the web? 

Voice messages

Voice messages are very useful and allow you to talk instead of type, which can be difficult for some people. However, visual contact with your family and grandchildren is preferable whenever possible, of course.

Emoticons (emojis)

You can use emoticons in your messages and posts to emphasize what you're saying. However, as the saying goes: “you can have too much of a good thing!” In other words, don’t overdo it on the emojis!


Emails are still a means of communicating. However, they tend to be slower and less instantaneous than social media. Also, their recipients do not always see emails and can fall into junk folders. This method remains effective for receiving information and newsletters tailored to your interests but is a little less effective on a personal level.

Messages on Facebook walls

Some people confuse a Facebook profile's "wall" with private messaging. If you have a personal message to deliver, it's best to make sure you're on private messaging so that your news remains confidential. 

In the end, grandparents are just as apt to use technology as anyone else, especially because it allows them to establish a close relationship with their grandchildren! Enjoy your time socializing with technology!

Text written in collaboration with Vie de Grands-Parents

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