The moment you’ve been waiting for for so long has come at last—and now you have this tiny little life to care for. Moms can find their newborn’s first weeks of life pretty unsettling. You try your best to be ready, but often baby’s arrival still leaves you with a minefield of unanticipated worries and questions—what’s the best bottle? Suction nasal aspirator or bulb? Is it normal for baby’s skin to peel like that? When does the cord fall off?
Not only that, but you’ve been sharing your body for nine months now. It’s gone through some big changes, and getting comfortable in your own body is going to take some getting used to. You’re excited about the next step, but maybe you wonder if you’re really up to the task. Well, don’t worry. Life is designed to work. You’ll grow into your new role, just watch. You’ll find you already have a lot of the answers—surprise!—by instinct.