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Tips from a makeup artist for your wedding day

Published on May 17, 2023 at 17:28

Preparing for a wedding can sometimes be stressful, but here are some suggestions to simplify your makeup and look for the big day! 

Prepare in advance

Just like choosing your dress, it is important to carefully identify who will do your wedding makeup. Try to book your makeup artist several months in advance. This way, the makeup artist will likely have more availability on their schedule. Make sure that the artist's style, values, colours and prices are similar to your wishes and expectations. This person will be very close to you on this very important day, and being on the same wavelength is essential. Show some of your inspirations, discuss your needs, and, if possible, do a makeup test with them to achieve the perfect look. Not everyone can hire a makeup artist; if you want to prepare yourself, we suggest you research the style and products required for the occasion. Don’t be afraid to do a test on yourself to practice.

Book your beauty treatments early

If you envision enjoying beauty treatments before your wedding, such as waxing (body and face), colouring (hair, eyelashes and eyebrows), nail art or even a self-tanning session, we suggest you do it one to two weeks before the big day. You certainly don’t want any unpleasant surprises or reactions that can ruin your wedding. With a buffer, you will have time to make the necessary adjustments.

Choose key products for wedding makeup

A makeup artist will know which products to turn to during the makeup process, but if you're doing it yourself, it's important to opt for those that are long-lasting and comfortable. For such an occasion, you want to choose luminous translucent textures and let your face breathe. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're wearing a mask or heavy makeup that is unnatural. Remember, your skincare is just as important as your makeup. Well-moisturized and prepped skin will be more receptive to makeup, and you’ll maximize its staying power.

Don’t forget your touch-up kit

Your makeup application is one thing—maintaining it is another. If your wedding makeup is done by a professional and you've chosen long-lasting products, your makeup will definitely stay put throughout the day. That said, it's still a long, hectic, emotional day, so we suggest you have a  touch-up kit on hand. Perhaps your makeup artist will offer it to you, or you can gather a few key products yourself; tissues, mints, band-aids, face spray, paper towels, lip products, makeup to fix your complexion, etc. We suggest that you buy travel sizes so that they fit into your wedding purse or clutch.

Treatments the day before the big day

As your wedding day fast approaches, we recommend avoiding eating too much salt because it tends to dry out your skin and make your face look puffy. Try to get a good eight hours of sleep and stay well-hydrated. You can gently exfoliate your skin and follow with a hydrating and soothing mask that will boost radiance when you wake up.

Don't worry! If you plan ahead, your wedding day look will be spectacular!

By Jean-François Casselman-Dupont in collaboration with Familiprix.

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