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Are hypoallergenic dogs really hypoallergenic?

Published on October 21, 2016 at 14:43 / Updated on April 21, 2021 at 0:37

We sometimes hear various sources boasting the merits of so-called hypoallergenic dogs, which are said to be easier to tolerate than other breeds. A new study disputes this claim, however.

Many people would like to have a four-legged friend, but being anywhere near animals causes them to start sneezing, sniffling and tearing up. We sometimes hear various sources boasting the merits of so-called hypoallergenic dogs, which are said to be easier to tolerate than other breeds. A new study disputes this claim, however. According to the study findings, hypoallergenic dogs are no less likely to cause allergy symptoms than other dogs.

It is widely believed that hypoallergenic dogs produce less dander and saliva, and that they shed less fur, making them a healthier choice for people with allergies. A team of researchers conducted a study to test this hypothesis. They examined dust samples from 173 homes where only one dog lived. The study included 60 different breeds of dogs, including 11 breeds considered hypoallergenic.

Their findings? The researchers found no significant differences in allergen levels between homes with hypoallergenic dogs and those with other dogs. The authors therefore conclude that when deciding whether to adopt a dog, and the type of breed to choose, the decision should not be based on a claim that a given breed is hypoallergenic.

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